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BIG AND LITTLE. Songs and Stories. Botho Strauss and others @ SCHLOSSMEDIALE WERDENBERG 2021.

Delia Mayer takes us into the abyss and heights of a big little world with texts and music by Shakespeare, Friedrich Rueckert and Bertolt Brecht, Hans Fallada and Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler and Laurie Anderson. An evening inspired by Botho Strauss’s „Big and Little”, a play about loneliness and the brutalization of society by published in the 1970s.

A literature concert Mai 25 2021 at Schlossmediale Werdenberg CH. With Fabian Ziegler (marimba, percussion), Mirella Weingarten (Stage, Drawings), Wiebke Pöpel (Video).

"Many soft notes, which she already enjoyed plucking and bowing before, are now even more delicate and fragile, but under high tension.... In between, Delia Mayer sings and recites songs by Copland and Eisler, by Purcell and Schumann. She is the voice in poor Woyzeck's head, squatting and gambols in the small stage frame (...) a window to the world, to the inner world, a bridge also to the literature that’s being shared.“ Musik&Theater, CH-MediaTagblatt (german)

© Mirella Weingarten


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